Comments on: Being Willing to Pivot is a Superpower Sharing insights on how to grow wealth and gain freedom. Mon, 21 Oct 2019 20:22:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Matt @ Spills Spot Wed, 04 Apr 2018 04:55:25 +0000 Great post Zach, being willing to pivot based on different life circumstances is clearly an important skill as you’ve shown. Some people get stuck and are so afraid/unwilling to make a change in their life that they’re never able to find what truly makes them happy. If only they’d be willing to pivot and pursue something different, maybe they’d reach it.

By: Cammie Wed, 04 Apr 2018 01:22:54 +0000 I like this “willing to pivot” because I have done this but without a real goal in mind…so it’s more like “aimless change” 🙂 I make decisions because whatever it is works better now and down the road I can see it helping but I have had no overarching goal. Now that I have a goal, the outside “details” seem to shift and morph daily but if it doesn’t advance me toward my goal then I let it go. I appreciate your insights!

By: Juli Tue, 03 Apr 2018 17:38:50 +0000 I am always blown away by how much wisdom you demonstrate, at such a young age! O_O

It is only recently that I have come to appreciate my ability to pivot. In the past, when I would come to a pivot point, it would be hard to make the leap, and I struggled not to see those decisions as failures. But in retrospect, I am so glad I didn’t continue to waste time on pursuits that weren’t the right fit for me.

I look forward to continuing to follow your journey, as you learn, grow, pivot, and share your experiences and insights with us. 🙂

By: Troll Tue, 03 Apr 2018 17:34:46 +0000 Both Metta World Peace and The Panda’s Friend would be very upset you spelled his previous name wrong.

By: Annie Tue, 03 Apr 2018 14:11:37 +0000 I love this post! I feel that same way about the superpower to pivot. Well said 🙂

By: Nick Tue, 03 Apr 2018 13:02:00 +0000 Always a good read Zach! I am excited that your blogging and tutoring incomes are getting you closer to your goal. It is inspiring to see your hard work start to pay off more and more. Keep up the good work!
