CopilotDesign, implement and analyze test automation right where you code
Supported languages
JavaScript, Ruby, C++, Python, C, PHP, Java, C#, Rust, and Swift
From the developer
The LambdaTest Agent Extension, available under @lambdatest for GitHub Copilot Chat and VS Code Chat revolutionizes the way developers manage and execute test workflows within their IDE and development environments.
LambdaTest is AI powered test execution and orchestration platform for enterprises to accelerate high quality software release cycles. Over 10,000+ enterprise customers and 2+ million users across 130+ countries rely on LambdaTest for their testing automation needs.
LambdaTest Agent in GitHub Copilot Chat and VS Code Chat allows developers to merge development and testing workflows directly from their coding environment. This agent streamlines test execution, automation, and insight generation.
Prerequisites and Set-up
- User is a member of GitHub and LambdaTest
- User is part of an organization with Copilot license
Installation, Sign-in & Auth
- Authorize the app at
- Post authorization, use @lambdatest in the Copilot chat window.
Use-cases & example prompts to get started
- Manage Build Information:
- Request a summary of the last 3 builds.
- Managing LambdaTest Account and Users:
- Retrieve a list of account users.
- Send invites to [email-ID] to join as a User.
- General LambdaTest Queries:
- Learn how HyperExecute handles private dependencies.
- Explore integration options with the TestNG framework.
Pricing and setup
Design, implement and analyze test automation right where you code
Design, implement and analyze test automation right where you code
LambdaTest is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation